Here is a list of dogs that we have titled, or are champions bred by us. We have included dogs that are pointed, as well as group placers, that only need a few points to finish. Most of our champions are specialty winners, or group placers/winners.
CanCh Keepin' It Low-Key at Gardine AOM
CanCh Malaguena Salerosa of Gardine
CanCh Sweet Revenge for Wavecrest
CanCh Civil Disturbance at Gardine
CanCh Mozanbridge Needs a Hug Gardine
CanCh Bakara Chinese Design Gardine
CanCh AmCh Mauvais Xtravagance Nocturnal AOM
CanCh Mauvais Born this Way Mocean
CanCh Mauvais Nocturnal Zephyr
CanCh Pure Pandemonium at Gardine
CanCh Hairicane Sayber at Gardine
CanCh Making Waves at Gardine
CanCh Dunroamin Legacy V Gardine
CanCh Gardine n Dunroamin Trails End
CanCh Gardine Echos of Eternity
Can/AmCh Silver Bluff Jon Bon Jovi
CanCh Gardine Spice Up Ur Life
CanCh Gardine Lasting Impression
GRCanChB Gardine Don't Stop Believing
CanCh Gardine Break a Legend
CanCh Gardine Real Men Wear Pink
CanCH Gardine Everything but Wings
CanCH Gardine Piece of the Pye in NB
CanCH Ghost Light of Lore N'Co
CanCH Charkim's a Shade Darker
CanCH Charkim's A Bit O Sass
CanCH Gardine I Did it My Way @Charkim
CanGRCH Gardine Aurora Borealis
CanCH Gardine More Then a Feeling
CanCh Gardine that Escalated Quickly
CanCH Gardine Mind Ur Own Ps N Qs
Gardine Hair I Go Again RN
CanCh Gardine Kissed by a Moonbeam​
CanCh Gardine Kickin It Oldschool
CH Gardine Angel on Fire
Group Placers and Dogs of Note:
BPIS Razz Raccoon the Rascal Gardine (9pts) Group Placer
Laureola's First Nocturnal Fantom (7pts)
Call it Fate at Gardine (8pts) Group Placer
BPIG Mauvais I Caught Fire (7pts)
BPIG Mauvais Kiss the Sky (2 pts)
What Dreams May Come Gardine (2 pts)
Riot Sun Gardine (2 pts)
Nocturnal Red Hot Moon Gardine (6pts)
Gardine Break the Fourth Wall
Gardine Great Expectations
Gardine Do I look Like a Brenda 2U?